dawaR - An API Wrapper for 'DAWA' - 'The Danish Address Web API'
Functions for interacting with all sections of the official 'Danish Address Web API' (also known as 'DAWA') <https://api.dataforsyningen.dk>. The development of this package is completely independent from the government agency, Klimadatastyrelsen, who maintains the API.
Last updated 1 months ago
6.49 score 3 stars 1 dependents 9 scripts 516 downloads
dkstat - API connection to the StatBank from Statistics Denmark
This package provides a few simple functions that can be used to query the StatBank from Statistics Denmark.
Last updated 17 days ago
6.38 score 34 stars 39 scripts
hexsession - Create a tile of logos for loaded packages
Creates a responsive HTML file with tiled hex logos for all loaded packages in a session, which can be saved as a static screenshot in png format.
Last updated 1 months ago
4.20 score 35 stars 4 scripts
geodk - Access Danish Geospatial Data
This package provides access to all geospatial data provided by the danish agency called Klimadatastyrelsen. Under the hood it wraps the `{dawaR}` and `{dkdata}` packages which provide access to the agency APIs.
Last updated 17 days ago
4.13 score 3 stars 15 scriptsbroomstick - Convert Decision Tree Objects into Tidy Data Frames
Convert Decision Tree objects into tidy data frames, by using the framework laid out by the package broom, this means that decision tree output can be easily reshaped, porocessed, and combined with tools like 'dplyr', 'tidyr' and 'ggplot2'. Like the package broom, broomstick provides three S3 generics: tidy, to summarise decision tree specific features - tidy returns the variable importance table; augment adds columns to the original data such as predictions and residuals; and glance, which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.59 score 29 stars 27 scriptsaleksandeR - Aleksander Bang-Larsen's personal convenience functions
This package supplies all the convenience functions that I have written to make my life easier.
Last updated 17 days ago
2.93 score 1 stars 6 scripts